Monday, June 30, 2008

business shit

corporate america doesnt care about your feelings

corporate america spits at you
kick you while youre down
and kick some more when youre out
then spit at you again

sure theres the 'we' did it
'we' hit out sales mark
'we' did this, 'we' done that
but that really translates to
Im the big boss man who owns the company
cause I married the president's daughter
YOU do this, YOU do that
and when shit falls apart
YOUre all to blame
oh and YOUre fired!

fuckin whack..

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

joel mchale

is my hero

watch him on the soup on e!
or condensed soup on yahoo!

i cant watch any of wimbledon
caz of the time difference and work
qwlksdhgjlsg :(

Monday, June 23, 2008

oh shit!




fack, im (guna be) old..


Saturday, June 21, 2008

save the planet . part 2

to help out with this drought
i will wait off washing my car until
mother nature decides to do it for me

and im feeling kinda lazy :P

we're the planeteers, you could be one too
cause saving our planet is the thing to do!!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

good nights

its hot.. reaaaaaally hot
but whats hotter are my sexy dreams

i wonder if i can make it 3 nights in a row..
makes me wanna sleep forever :3

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

brian scalabrine

saddest part about boston winning,

this guy is getting a ring. hahaha lakers got pwned

im glad the finals are over, gettin really sick of the
yukon denali commercial and that annoying bald guy

yay boston!

Friday, June 13, 2008

friday the 13th

this pretty much sums up last nights game

mwhahahaha!! its going to be a good day :)

used and abused

at work, my boss likes to give
those "friendly" jabs and pat on the backs
one day, i might snap and hit him back..

in the face

and i hate it when he says "we"
when im the one doing all the actual work

faklhglskfhgsfg D:<

Thursday, June 12, 2008


i love grapes :9

but not as much as i love pineapples!

just looking at this makes my mouth tingly :Q..

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


"As food prices soar, Spam has suddenly become a bargain. According, more or less, to the breathless press releases I have been receiving, a family of four can subsist for 30 days on a 12-ounce can of Spam, assuming no one takes more than one bite of the stuff, which is fairly typical in my experience."

i use to eat a whole can of spam with rice and eggs all by myself..

in one sitting..


batteries not included

it feels like grandfather time forgot to replace the batteries on his clock. the days been dragging on for way too long. today needs to end already, or at least fast forward to 6 oclock. i wanna go back to sleep. i didnt feel like getting up today.

sigh, first post and im already complaining..